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a walk through memory lane

5 years ago I taught my very first spin class and it's been a wild ride since then! Swipe through for a walk through memory lane!!

2014: For fun, here I am covered in paint in my studio space in Florence where I studied for a semester.

2015: At a local gym, I was given a permanent slot and we called it EDM spin! No fancy lights, the bikes were okay, but I came in with a lot of energy and passion and I had a LOT to learn! I was really into running at the time, and I didn't lift weights at all.

2016: I started strength training and following Kayla Itsines's program called BBG at the time, now known as SWEAT. I left my local gym for a great opportunity at a spin studio where I was introduced to the world of beat based spin and fell in love!

2017: I was taken off the schedule of that studio and ended up taking this year off from spinning in general and I took a huge step back from fitness. Simultaneously this was a big year for my other career and was promoted into my first sales role at my current company! I was commuting from the burbs into the city daily and loving it.

2018: Back to teaching spin, this time at BSC. I was a HUSTLER and tried to pick up as many classes as I could, across as many locations as possible. I was featured in BostonVoyager (RIP) online magazine. I auditioned for The Handle Bar and entered into the tough but rewarding training program to instruct!

2019: I made it! My dream job instructing at The Handle Bar. This is where the hard work really began!

2020: Through alllll the ups and downs I found my voice and what I am most passionate about and Launched Workout With Mer as a way to really dive into my past, future, and be able to help everyone out there live their most authentic, fit, confident life!

Manifestation is REAL. Goal setting is IMPORTANT. Most things in life take a ton of time, dedication, and consistency, All of the ups and downs have made me stronger and have led me to where I am today and what is to come!

Thank YOU for coming along for the journey, for your support, encouragement, and for teaching me how to help others. ILY <3


Hey girl , hey!

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